
Jackson Smith

This week's Hub Award winner is Jackson Smith. He has volunteered to do the announcements daily, has been a great officer monitor, and is an all-around awesome kid who helps make RTHS a better place. We are lucky to have Jackson as a Hub!

B. Kissack

This week's Hub Award winner is Bryn Kissack. She brings a smile and genuine excitement to RTHS every day. She passes on love and caring to those around her, and she never hesitates to ask people how they're doing. She cares for others and helps to make RTHS a better place!

A. Ohlinger

This week's Hub Award winner is Ali Ohlinger. She has always been a big part of RTHS, but she has recently stepped up to get some really neat things done for Interact - like helping to create the winning Homecoming banner! We appreciate all Ali does for RTHS!


This week's Hub Award winner is Ivanessa Rodriguez. We can't thank her enough for voluntarily stepping up to do the morning announcements for all of first quarter. Every day, she brought her positivity to the front office.

J. Ost

This week's Hub Award winner is Jacob Ost. He has stepped up to do the announcements, and is a reliable main office and counseling center monitor. He leads with a positive example, is incredibly respectful, works hard in class, and helps others. Congrats, Jacob!

Abby Metzger

This week's Hub Award Winner is Abby Metzger. Abby has stepped up to help with the recycling, to help in the main office, to help with Interact, and to help her fellow classmates in general. She is such a positive influence on RTHS!

Jocelyn Cervantes

RTHSThis week's Hub Award winner is Jocelyn Cervantes. Since she has arrived at RTHS, she has blossomed into a confident, humorous, hard-working student. She has also taken on more leadership roles within the building. Thank you, Jocelyn!

Tilly Gonser

This week's Hub Award winner is Tilly Gonser. Tilly works hard in the classroom, leads by example, helps others, and is positive with her classmates and teachers. She has also stepped up to do the school announcements every morning. We greatly appreciate all Tilly does!

Z Brizuela

This week's Hub Award winner is Xitlali Brizuela. We can't thank Xitlali enough for the example she sets in the classroom. She is always engaged, carrying on high-level classroom discussions, and being kind to her fellow classmates.